Who We Are
Innovative Solutions
Imperial Solutions Group is a corporation created that consists of a unique group of professionals. This very diverse group was formed to utilize everyone’s specialized skill set in ways to create innovative ideas that will promote financial growth and would create a positive economic impact throughout the nation. Imperial Solutions Group has an opportunity to market products infused with hemp. This global growing market is developing products from basic mood oils to medical pain relief products.
What We Do
We have a potential joint venture deal with TriStar Medical and associates. This company has been structured in terms of its hemp growth operations after one of the most prominent cannabis companies in the country, being rewarded “cultivator of the year” as well as “break out company of the year.” TriStar Medical has worked with local universities for over two years developing and testing its hemp products. Various test were done with the help of doctors and scientist to establish how to best utilize Hemp for medicinal purposes within the field of Cryogenic extractions for products.